Crystal Healing at Spirit of the Heavens

If you are not feeling well or if certain areas of your life are not working as well as you want, some of your chakras may be blocked. Fortunately, Spirit of the Heavens in Sedona, Arizona, has sacred places that are filled with high vibration energy that can restore your chakras. What are chakras? The word chakra is Sanskrit and it means wheel or disk. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy that are located in the invisible bodies (the mental, the emotional, the etheric, and the memory body). The invisible bodies are superimposed on the physical body and exchange energy with it via the chakras. The chakras themselves are located over the major glands, organs, and bundles of energy. Each chakra has a unique frequency of vibration which appears as a specific color to people who have the ability to see the aura (the energy field around the human body). Each chakra works on specific functions, organs, glands, feelings, abilities, and behavior traits. Science is catching up with this ancient knowledge as doctors have discovered that thoughts and emotions are responsible for many physical diseases.  There are many chakras in the body, but we are concerned with the seven major chakras which are:

  1. The base chakra.

  2. The sacral chakra.

  3. The solar plexus chakra.

  4. The heart chakra.

  5. The throat chakra.

  6. The brow chakra.

  7. The crown chakra.To visualize a chakra, imagine a swirling wheel of energy in the area of each major organ described below. This invisible energy, called Prana (Sanskrit) or ki or chi (in Chinese), is vital life force, which keeps us alive, vibrant, and healthy. 

Importance of Chakras Chakras are pathways for the movement of energy into and out of the body. They affect our psychological, emotional, physiological and spiritual states of being by influencing the endocrine glands and the nervous system. It is important that they stay moving, open, and balanced in order for the body to stay healthy. Unfortunately, chakras can become blocked in the same way that pipes are blocked by the continuous introduction of solid waste. In the same way that stagnation in the drains leads to growth of mold and bacteria, blockage of any chakra leads to malfunction of the affected organ, leading to illness. You can easily resolve an illness by clearing and rebalancing a chakra instead of taking pills. The Base Chakra The muladhara or base chakra or root chakra is located in the base of the spine in the tailbone area. It influences the colon, the bladder, the testes, the spine, and the first three vertebrae. It looks red. It represents the foundation, security, and human basic needs. Emotionally it represents feelings of being grounded, survival issues, financial independence, and food availability. When it is working optimally, you feel safe and fearless, and can create abundance. When it is dysfunctional, you experience anxiety, feelings of being ungrounded, stress and insecurity about money leading to a life of lack. The Navel Chakra The Svadhisthana or navel chakra or sacral chakra looks orange and is located above the pubic bone and below the navel. Physically it affects the kidneys, the prostate gland, the ovaries, the gall bladder, the bowel, and the spleen. Psychologically it influences human connections and the ability to accept people and new experiences. Emotionally, it is linked to creativity, sexuality, well-being, pleasure, and the sense of abundance. When healthy, it transforms money energy into real money. When blocked, you experience sexual inhibition and money problems. The Solar Plexus The Manipura or the solar plexus, which looks yellow, is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. Physically, it influences the function of the intestines, pancreas, liver, stomach, and the upper spine. Psychologically, it is your source of personal power and it represents your ability to be confident and to be in control. When it functions optimally, you have great mental abilities, assertiveness, willpower, and personal power. You also manifest money effortlessly; you may receive unexpected money owed to you or simply find money. When it is out of balance, you experience lack of direction, manipulative tendencies, excessive control, inability to make decisions, irresponsibility, and helplessness. You will use a lot of effort and hard work to make money. The Heart Chakra The Anahata or the heart chakra is green and may have rose pink hues is a very loving person. It is located in the center of the chest above the heart. It is the bridge between the body and the spirit that unites the lower physical chakras and the upper spiritual chakras. Physically it influences the function of the heart and lungs. Emotionally it is in charge of love, connection, joy, and inner peace. When the heart chakra is working optimally, you will feel that you deserve lots of money and, indeed, money will flow easily to you and stay with you. When it is clogged, you feel that you don’t deserve money and you feel guilty about making money. The Throat Chakra The Vishuddha or throat chakra is blue and it is located in the throat above the thyroid gland. It is responsible for expression of feelings, communication abilities, ability to speak our truth, life purpose, and creativity. It encompasses the mouth, the tongue, the esophagus, the jaws, the vocal cords, the bronchi, the thyroid glands, the parathyroid glands, and the neck. When it is balanced, you can state your prices, ask boldly for a raise, and tell the truth. When it is blocked, you may feel nervous, uncertain and introverted, and you cannot demand money that belongs to you, never ask for prices due to your products, and generally you will dislike discussing money. You will also fear the truth. When it is overactive, you talk all the time, gossip, and can be verbally antagonistic or mean.

The Brow Chakra The Ajna or brow chakra is bluish purple and is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. Physically it influences the brain, the pineal gland, and the pituitary gland. It is the seat of the third eye and is linked to your intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to focus on and see the bigger picture, and your ability to think and make decisions. Spiritually, it is the seat of the third eye and it is linked to psychic abilities, ability to perceive subtle dimensions and movements of energy, and access to mystical states, inspiration and creativity. Its blockage leads to feeling stuck, lack of vision, rejection of spiritual matters, and lack of clarity. Overactivity causes indulgence in psychic illusions and fantasies. The Crown Chakra The Sahasrara or crown chakra is white or deep purple and is located at the crown of the head. It is linked to the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, the brain stem, the spinal cord, and the nervous system. Spiritually, it represents consciousness, enlightenment, wisdom, ecstasy, bliss, ability to be fully connected to spirit and other people, and self-realization. Blockage manifests as disconnection from spirit and constant cynicism regarding the sacred. Overactivity manifests as living in the head, disconnection from the body and earthly matters, and obsession with spiritual matters. How to heal your chakras The easiest, fastest, and most effective way to stimulate and balance your chakras is to meditate at a sacred site, such as the vortexes and other sacred sites at Spirit of Heaven in Sedona. Chakra healing can also be effectively done through certain exercises, yoga postures, the consumption of the right foods, massage, and essential oils. 

Benefits of Chakra Healing

Healing the chakras improves well-being physically, emotionally and mentally as energy flows better between the physical body and the subtle bodies. Some of the many benefits of chakra cleaning and healing are:

  1. Better overall health.

  2. Faster healing of emotional, mental, and physical problems.

  3. Stronger immune system.

  4. Ability to enjoy healthy relationships.

  5. More energy.

  6. Improved life enjoyment.

  7. Better communication.

  8. Better decision-making ability.

  9. Improved self-esteem.

  10. Better ability to accept or give love and forgive.

  11. Clear and focused mind.

  12. Healthier expression and release of emotions.

  13. Psychic abilities and spiritual growth.


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