Howard Bafford owner of Spirit of the Heavens in Sedona Arizona

Howard Bafford

Helping people heal from their pasts, align with their present.

Helping people heal from their pasts, align with their present, and surface profound intuitive clarity to build the heart-led lives they deserve.

I’ve been fortunate enough to walk several paths in this lifetime. The first was one steeped in the gritty, earthy realities of being raised on a small dairy farm in Vancouver, Washington, owned by my mother’s side of the family since the mid-1860s. Most of my early years were spent learning the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance – values that bled into my passions for football and wrestling during high school and continue to guide me to this day.

After graduating from Central Washington University, I became a CPA and worked for a multinational food corporation, where I honed my skills in sales, marketing, and business management. But as my career progressed, I felt a growing emptiness. I knew that something was missing from my life, something that couldn’t be found in the world of business. With this yearning, I decided to start my own food company in 2004, pouring my heart and soul into its success. In addition, I gained the front-lining opportunity to capitalize on my marketing, operations, sales, and leadership skills and network with like-minded people from around the globe.

Though selling the organization in 2018, this became the catalyst for developing several avenues, including in-home construction, residential real estate renting, commercial real estate leasing, industrial cold storage, industrial wastewater management, recreational property development, and food safety equipment. Overall, my roots in business were a challenging and rewarding journey, one that taught me the power of teamwork and the importance of staying true to innate values. More intrinsically and with the guidance of Spirit, was an experience that brought Asavari into my life. Together, we embarked on a journey of spiritual discovery, traveling the world and visiting sacred sites in search of more profound meaning and purpose.

In 2013, I took this a step further and attended the University of Santa Monica to earn a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology to renew my connection with my own spirituality. Today, I focus on conscious, holistic living and development as the proud steward of Spirit of the Heavens in Sedona, Arizona, a sacred space dedicated to finding peace, purpose, and meaning.

Testing our own bounds, Asavari and I have also extended our modalities into a structured water company, a Spiritual Metaphysical healing center, and a holistic knowledge library. Through these endeavors, we aim to offer rejuvenation of frequency, sound, and light healing and a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it.

As I move forward on this spiritual quest, I am excited and grateful for the opportunities that lie ahead. I know that I’m where I’m meant to be and that everything I have experienced in this lifetime has led me toward this moment. I am humbled by the responsibility that has been placed on my shoulders, but I am also energized by the knowledge that I am playing a small part in the great, unfolding story of humanity.